Professional Educational Services (PES) provides training opportunities for organizations, foster parents, individuals and schools that are interested in or currently working with individuals that experience emotional, behavioral or mental health challenges. Our courses will allow you to gain the education and experience needed to ensure safety while working with these individuals. As organization specialties differ, we bring flexibility by developing courses and altering current courses to best fit your organizational needs.



Course list

Training Workshops and Seminars Through MPOWR

MPOWR provides training and workshops for its employees and external parties. We offer courses in:

Suicide and Self Harm Intervention Training:


Non-Abusive Fundamentals of Crisis Intervention Training:


Standard First Aid Training - Level C (2 Day):


Standard First Aid Recertification – Level C (1 Day):


Training Opportunities through MpowR (PDF)

Fundamentals of Non-Abusive Crisis Intervention and Personal Safety

These training opportunities are for those individuals or organizations that would like to make a positive impact working with children, adolescents and families struggling with emotional, social, psychiatric and/or behavioral problems.

Group training rates are available for those interested in booking sessions for their organization. Course fees cover instructional time and workshop materials.

Crisis Intervention Training Opportunities (PDF)

For more information please contact:

PES Department

780-440-0708 ext 0